Skylight Evacuated Tube Specifications:
1. Length (nominal): 1800mm/1500mm
2. Outer tube diameter: 58mm/47mm
3. Inner tube diameter: 47mm/37mm
4. Glass thickness: 1.8mm/2.0mm
5. Thermal expansion: 3.3x10-6°C
6. Material: Borosilicate Glass 3.3
7. Absorptive Coating: Graded Al-N/Al
8. Absorptance: v>93% (AM1.5)
9. Emittance: <8% (80°C)
10. Vacuum: P<5x10-3 Pa
11. Stagnation Temperature: >200C
12. Heat Loss: <0.8W/ (m2°C)
13. Maximum Strength: 0.8MPa
14. Start-up temperature: ≤25°C
15. Anti hail: ≤Ø25mm
16. Weight:2.2kg/1.2kg/3.0kg
17. Package: 1880*330*170(10pcs) 1880*280*170(8pcs)
18. Special tube like 100mm or 120mm tubes are also available against request
Skylight Tank and Frame Specifications:
1) Volume:10L, 20L, 50L, 80L, 90L, 100L, 150L,180L, 200L, 220L, 250L, 300L
2) Inner tank material and thickness: SUS304 2B /0.45mm
3) Outer shell material and thickness: SUS304/0.45mm
4) Insulation material and thickness: CFC free Polyurethane/55mm
5) Frame material and thickness: SUS304/1.3mm
6) Size of the holes: G1/2 OR G3/4
7) Electrical heater: Available against request, 1500W or 2000W
8) Magnesium rod: Available against request
9) Assistant tank: Available against request: Dia. 160mm*220mm (6L), 8L, 10L, 30L, 50L, double tank.
10) Controller: Available against request: SP26 SR500 SR609
11) Guarantee: 5 years for galvanized steel support, 5 years for solar storage tank and evacuated tubes
Working Principle
Skylight EVACUATED tubes are the absorber of the solar water heater. They absorb solar energy converting it into heat for use in water heating. Evacuated tubes have been invented in China by Professor Yin Zhiqiang and have already been used for years in Germany, Canada, China and the UK. There are several types of evacuated tubes in use in the solar industry. Skylight uses the most common "twin-glass tube". This type of tube is chosen for its reliability, performance and low manufacturing cost.
EACH Skylight evacuated tube consists of two glass tubes made from extremely strong borosilicate glass. The outer tube is transparent allowing light rays to pass through with minimal reflection. The inner tube is coated with a special selective coating (Al-N/Al) which features excellent solar radiation absorption and minimal reflection properties. The top of the two tubes are fused together and the air contained in the space between the two layers of glass is pumped out while exposing the tube to high temperatures. This "evacuation" of the gasses forms a vacuum, which is an important factor in the performance of the evacuated tubes.
CONVECTIVE movement of the liquid starts when liquid in the loop is heated, causing it to expand and become less dense, and thus more buoyant than the cooler water in the bottom of the loop. Convection moves heated liquid upwards in the system as it is simultaneously replaced by cooler liquid returning by gravity. Ideally, the liquid flows easily because a good thermosiphon should have very little hydraulic resistance.
The Skylight solar storage tank must be integrated with the solar evacuated tubes;
The Skylight system has to be installed on the top of the roof;
The Skylight water coming down for shower is because of the pressure of the city water;